Monday, December 8, 2008

A Day to Reminiscence

I was cleaning my grandmother's basement a few weeks ago and came across a newspaper that had the headlines, "FIRE AT THE COCOANUT NIGHTCLUB." I didn't realize my grandmother, originally from Boston, still kept her old newspapers, but this particular one had a picture of a girl a few years older than me. Under her picture, there was a caption that said "22 year old girl- killed in nightclub fire, turn to pg. 3 for more of the story..." I got the courage to ask my grandmother about the girl who died. I didn't see it coming, but that girl ended up being my grandmother's best friend. I felt a sharp pain in my heart and couldn't imagine losing my best friend. So after finding out some research online about the scene of the fire, I decided to preserve the newspaper, so not to forget about the terrible catastrophe and put it in my blog. There were a few people who died in the fire and many others who were badly injured. This story will help preserve the memory of those whose live were changed forever. I updated pictures from the night of the fire and relating to scenes from the rest of the story.

Rest in Peace to all of those who died or who lost loved ones during the night of this disaster.


Swapna said...

I think it's great that you're trying to preserve the historical tragedy from Cocoanut Grove! Maybe you should try to get someone to make another memorial to remember the day.

-Caroline Buckley.

Swapna said...

Yeah! Maybe we should have a candlelight vigil every year outside where the nightclub was so we can remember those who died.

-John Kevins.